Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Freebie! Princess Sophie

For those of you that might just want the free smut, I'm going to spare you the usually enormous preamble and just give you the URL and code. Keep in mind, though, that you'll need an account with Smashwords. They're not sinister at all, and you can even pick the filetype you want according to preference. You click to buy the title, and then input the code. Anyway:

Link: Princess Sophie
Code: BZ52W

This freebie is available until February the 8th, the date on which Dark Lust 2 will launch. Hopefully it'll tide you over until then. Also, it has just been too long since I've done a freebie in general, so hopefully this'll go some way towards making up for that.

If you should happen to like the book, I always appreciate reviews. But, hey, I also understand that maybe you don't really want to go through that effort. In any case, enjoy. :)

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